Original impetus

My original impetus for family history research was to trace the origin of a genetic flaw that affects the women in my family, making them prone to breast & ovarian cancers.

I have traced the source back as far as Ada Smith b1877, but neither her mother (Mary Ann Storey) or her grandmother (Sarah Robinson) apparently died from the disease. Perhaps it was inherited from her father (Charles Smith.)

If you have ancestors in common with Ada Smith I'd be interested in hearing from you, particularly if you aware of any pattern of either disease affecting the young women of her lineage.

My interest in genealogy has since broadened considerably. I'm tracing all forebears both maternal and paternal in an ever expanding research front that doubles with each preceding generation.

Needless to say, I enjoy hearing from cousins from any part of the family tree however distantly removed. Simply drop me an email.


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