
The sun and moon hang opposite one another in the sky, sparring partners constantly challenging one another for ascendancy. The moon is rising as the sun retreats, and so the harsh hot rays will soon give way to a calm cool glow.

Our species hurls itself towards extinction. All creatures have their time; as we followed the dinosaurs another life form will dominate when we fail. Perhaps the cockroaches will be preeminent. My money is on the corvids. Ravens, rooks, crows, jays, magpies, and jackdaws. They're the brightest of the bird species: self-aware, cooperative, problem solving and tool making.

Odin's ravens (thought and memory) flew out each day and returned to keep him informed about the world. Perhaps they travel still; learning from our follies readying for their time. Native Americans speak of Raven causing the world flood before bringing back the land; thus ending the age of animals, and beginning the age of man. This time man will make the flood. What will happen thereafter?

Think on that next time a corvid stands its ground and pierces you with a beady knowing eye.


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