Deaf ears

Yesterday I was asked what I did for myself, fun things. When I spoke of gardening, writing, home improvements and the odd creative things I try my hand at, I was interrupted and the question was clarified. What did I do for myself that involved other people.

I answered politely enough, but I'm deeply unhappy with the implication that I should be participating in organised group events in order to be fulfilled.

I get plenty of good social contact through work. We have a laugh, banter flows, I take an interest in other people and vice versa. That accounts for 24 hours a week when you throw in the hard graft we do as well.

Adding an art class is hardly going to transform me into someone who is at peace with her physical restrictions, medical prognosis, and traumatic life experiences.

Still, I can always find a bit more time in my life to be patronised, it is always appreciated, never unwelcome. No comment however inane, no platitude whether trite or meaningless will ever fall on deaf ears.


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