We're all doomed

What a morning, blue sky, nary a contrail to mar it, and so quiet. For this we give thanks to the people of Iceland who have graced us with a volcanic eruption which has cleared our skies of aircraft.

They say that after 911, when the planes were grounded, variations in high and low temperatures increased by 1°C as a result of the absent contrails. I wonder whether the effect will be repeated here in Europe as we head into our 3rd no-fly day. Some extra warm spring days wouldn’t go amiss, and for that I could live with colder nights.

Of course the doom-mongers will sound be out selling their fare of gloom and disaster:

"We will be plunged into a global ice age by this brief change in temperatures. Without planes flying our supermarkets will soon empty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Panic buying will ensue and thousands will be injured in food riots. Scurvy will scar a generation. We’re all doomed!"

Time to finish my little "swabbing the deck" project, and give the lawn another haircut.


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