Exploded on impact

It is 10am and the train should be at Wakefield by now, but we haven't left Leeds. Over the train's tannoy we've heard that we're held here indefinitely due to a bridge bash or strike. Engineers are working furiously to repair the bridge so we can be on our way, or so we're told.

A bunch of people have left the train, seeking more information or alternative transport arrangements. Others have called friends & work to say they're being delayed. Two people seem to be calling everyone in their phonebook. One lady in particular is quite creative in relating our situation - apparently a lorry has demolished a bridge - I'm pondering whether this tale will get more dramatic - perhaps the lorry will become a petrol tanker which exploded on impact destroying the bridge and village.

My reverie is interrupted. The driver announces our train has been cancelled. We should all board the 10.10am train. Must dash.


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