Bluesy side of mellow

I put in a full day today to make up for the super short day yesterday which was kyboshed by the mid-afternoon appointment on Harley Street.

It meant I was able to go to the department quiz night this evening. The team I was in won, though not due to my input. I enjoyed the evening but coming away I did feel the contrast between the social event and my own sparse social life. It's left me on the bluesy side of mellow.

I am slightly mollified by the quiet train back to my digs. I spy a window where water has been trapped between the panes. It rocks back and forth as the train jolts ahead. A parabolic water mark has formed delineating the furthest extremes the water achieves. Tsunamis flow from end to end, and I'm expecting an Open University professor to leap up and explain fluid dynamics with the use of this simple model.

In observing this my equilibrium is restored, and all is well in HarryWorld.


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