Crazy cross-species peeping tom

It's funny how sometimes the origin of a phrase suddenly comes into sharp focus. Looking out of the window just now I spotted two Wood Pigeons sitting together all cosy on the fence. One was pecking at the neck of the other, and I thought 'aye-aye - I know what he wants, randy ole pigeon.'

I stood and watched them a while, and saw that they were taking it in turns to groom each other around the head - the only spot on their own body they can't groom for themselves. They then started rubbing their heads together, and I thought 'ahh, how nice, just like young lovebirds.'

That was the light bulb moment. I'd never thought about the origin of the phrase 'lovebirds' nor ever had any image of courting birds in my mind whenever I've had cause to use the phrase. This might be because I've never before witnessed this gentle side of bird courtship - I'm far more used to the Rock Pigeons in London where the male aggressively harasses the female to the point of exhaustion, whereupon he mounts her without so much as a by-your-leave.

Anyway, the real reason I was gazing out of the window was not to be some crazy cross-species peeping tom, but to admire my handiwork.  I've been laid low for several days with a ghastly cold, but today I felt almost human and could be restrained no more. Today I oiled the decking. Well, strictly speaking, I oiled about half of it, which used up the whole 5 litre tin of oil. I've ordered another. It should be here on Wednesday, by which time my back may have recovered from today's abuse. Can't wait.


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