You wouldn't understand
"Do you have kids?" I'm asked. "No", pausing reflecting on my mixed emotions of loss and relief, contemplating the circumstances, debating whether to elaborate. These thoughts interrupted by the other party's statement "Oh. Well you wouldn't understand then..." Incandescent anger rises. "Don't project your pre-child lack of imagination on me. "I imagine just fine. "I imagine you could well imagine what it was like growing up in poverty, in a drug addicted family, with autism that was never diagnosed. "Victim of child sexual abuse. "Learning in your mid-twenties that a genetic disease ran in your family. "Trying to bring your partner round to the idea of starting a family, being in the process of buying a family home when all plans are brought to an abrupt halt one Valentines Day. "Diagnosed at 28 with that genetic disease you hoped you hadn't inherited. "Health decimated by cancer treatment while ...