
Showing posts from 2023

A confusing smorgasbord of antipathies

I was born in the 70s. That gender could have a separate definition to biological sex wasn't a question that had hit the general public consciousness,  so I grew up in a gender normative environment at a time when biological sex and gender were considered to be the same and immutable. Sixty years after the suffragettes started the feminist movement, my mother's generation pushed the cause forward.  My mother taught me to ignore society's sexist prejudices. I learnt from her to not limit my ambitions or accept being treated as lesser. Fast forward another two generations and sexism is still ubiquitous, if less blatant, and it still blighting women's lives around the world. The place we find ourselves in now, where we are challenging the notion that biological sex and gender are the same or that is gender is immutable, has been a long time in arriving. If it mirrors the slow progress made by the feminist movement, there could be many decades of struggle ahead, and stil