Mad Max kit

The UK is a free and democratic society today, but what about tomorrow? History has plenty to teach us about the fragility of society, and the ease with which a totalitarian regime can emerge given the right conditions.

It seems to me that we're on the brink catastrophe on so many levels - climate change, population growth, and fossil fuel scarcity.

Imagine the measures governments would have to take to keep order in a world where crops are failing due to changing weather patterns, populations are displaced by rising sea waters, and fuel & electricity have become rationed commodities.

In such circumstances we'd be lucky if we just had to put up with a totalitarian government - resource scarcity also triggers war.

We all hope that a new energy source will be invented, and climate change will turn out to be a load of bunk, but perhaps we should be planning for the worst?

We often joke in the family about putting together a Mad Max kit - a survival tool chest for a post-apocalyptic world including food, water, medicine, survival gear, and defensive weapons.

The truth is we're not survivalists. We hope the chaos doesn't come until after our natural lifetimes, and if it does - well - perhaps it is best to bow out early and leave the survival business to the nasty types who have what it takes to thrive in a mean world.

As Private Frazer (of Dad's Army fame) would say "We're doomed, doomed I say."


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