Ministry of Silly Walks

My right foot has been giving me some trouble over the past month or so - with each step I take it feels as though there is a pebble underfoot. It feels quite bruised, and at first I assumed that was all it was - a bruise. When it lasted longer than any bruise should I began to suspect my work shoes, which I wear longer than any other shoes, since I go barefoot whenever I'm indoors at home. During my vacation I avoided wearing those shoes, but at the end of my two week holiday my foot was no better.

Whenever there are unexplained symptoms I start to get concerned, and I'm under instructions from the oncologist to have any inexplicable pain which does not resolve itself checked out lest it be a symptom of secondary cancer.

On Monday I went to see a GP who referred me to an Orthopaedic consultant whom I saw yesterday. After x-rays were taken he was able to exclude lesions as a cause, and explained the problem is biomechanical. Basically I walk funny. My calves are too tight which causes me to lift my heel too early in the stride placing excessive stress on the metatarsals.

My next step is to see a Podiatrist which I have lined up next Tuesday. I'm going to take all my shoes (a grand total of 4 pairs), and find out which are good for me, and which are making the problem worse. I may get custom orthotic inserts made to help cushion my feet and correct my gait as I tend to over-pronate.

Meanwhile I'm busy stretching my calves and trying to correct my stride so that my heel doesn't come up too soon. Welcome to the Ministry of Silly Walks.


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