Memory lane

I took a little trip down memory lane on Thursday and visited the city of York where I lived for a year after my marriage failed. I was in town for my quarterly follow-up with an oncologist.

I parked up by my old flat, and walked into town via Bootham Bar. I’d promised a colleague that I’d pop in to Bettys to pick up his favourite blend of Earl Grey. While I was there I couldn’t resist getting some Blue Mountain coffee for myself. If I’d allowed myself more time for my little shopping expedition I would have taken afternoon tea there, but with time pressing I headed back to my car to drive across to the Nuffield Hospital.

It says a lot about York traffic that it took me a full thirty minutes to drive two miles to the hospital. By the time I parked up I was running a couple of minutes late for the appointment. Amazingly the consultant’s surgery was running close to schedule. I’d only been sat in the waiting area for a minute when I was called in. I could feel the resentment drilling into my back from everyone waiting.

Ten minutes later after a bit of a chat and a physical exam I found myself back at my car, with relief endorphins flooding my system. I can relax until my next check-up which will be with a London consultant. That will involve several appointments for range of tests including an MRI.

I enjoyed the drive back to Leeds with the aromas of tea leaves and ground coffee filling the car. Thursday was Ladies Day at York Racecourse, and my route took me past the course just as the colourful crowd was leaving. People watching relieved the tedium of inching through the stop start traffic.


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