Normality is shredded

Another day, another hang-up.

There I was walking along on my way to work, nice as you like, when the thought of bumping into my ex-husband pops right into my head. As per usual, this is followed by an imagined conversation.

I like to believe that I'm over him, so my conversation starts that way. In my head he’s wanting to talk to me, so I say “Look, go away, I'm not interested. It was a long time ago.” But he's still there in my head, and the conversation soon degenerates with me saying the type of thing that I'd like to think I'm above.

We were a couple for 10 years, and then married for 3. Towards the end he became a friend of Bill W and decided he wanted out of the marriage. Asking me to divorce him as I had grounds, I said “No!” whereupon he said “In that case I’ll divorce you.” To which I said “I don’t think so, you don’t have grounds.” Then he told me that his divorce lawyer reckoned that my occasional partaking of the peace pipe constituted grounds. What choice did I have? I divorced him.

5 years have passed. I still have dreams featuring his chaotic behaviour, where Bill’s other chums invade our home, normality is shredded, and the penny drops for his family in slow motion. Then there are the waking moments where my thoughts get tangled up in what I would say if I just bumped into him.

“I don’t want this.” I hear the words spoken, then realise they fell from my lips. I whimper quietly in my own head. It’s true – I don’t want this.

Let that be a lesson to you children: Life seriously messes you up. Just say no.


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